Request Access

New to the 501st and/or Carolina Legions? Or are you solely a member of another club? Use this form below to start signing up for troops. Command Staff will need to approve your account prior to use.

First & Last Name (use a nickname if you wish to remain anonymous):

Account Type: Regular Handler

Phone (Optional):

Carolina Legions Forum Username:

Carolina Legions Forum Password:

Rebel Legion Forum Username (if applicable):

Mando Mercs CAT # (if applicable):

Saber Guild SG # (if applicable):


TKID (numbers only):

If you are a dual member, you will only need one account.

Website created by Matthew Drennan (TK52233). If you encounter any technical issues with this site, please refer to the FAQ page for guidance.

If you are missing troops or notice incorrect data, please refer to your squad leader.